We do not intend to go into the details here of Astrological
interpretations as these are widely available through books and the web, rather
we will concentrate on the esoteric perspective and knowledge not normally
encountered in traditional sources.
The basic premise of Astrology is that the birth chart, as determined by the birthdate, birthtime and place of
birth, provides insights into the character and makeup of the individual whose chart is being evaluated.
More specifically, the birth chart represents the positions of the planets with
respect to the twelve constellations or signs, Aquarius, Pisces etc., and the
position of the eastern horizon with respect to the constellations gives us the
Ascendant and the placement of the twelve houses at the time of birth. Each
planet then contributes different characteristics depending on which sign or
house the planet falls in. Also the angular relationship (aspects) between the
planets at the time of birth gives further information about the individual.
All these different pieces of information are then combined to give us an
overall picture of the incarnating personality. The sun sign is only a small,
though important, part of that picture.
That Astrology has stood the test of time is, we think, a pretty good indicator of
the correctness of the basic premise. Indeed, after many years working with Astrology there is no doubt in the
author's mind that it represents a valid source of information about ourselves and the world.
The question that naturally arises then is how does Astrology work? How can the
positions of the planets at the time of birth possibly determine the character
of a person?
We believe that the answer to that has two components.
Firstly, there is a certain amount of direct influence from the nearest planets
and in particular the moon. It is well known that people behave differently
around full moon.
However, by far the main reason that Astrology works is because of prior
arrangement. That is, the soul apart from choosing the parents, chooses the
date and in most cases the time of birth so that the chart "works". In other
words the natal chart represents a "blueprint" of the energies and tendencies
that are being brought in by the incarnating soul.
This is done so as to provide the individual another avenue for self
understanding. An opportunity to learn about one's purpose and goals for coming
into this particular incarnation.
As regards the timing of events (planetary transits) in one's life, the same
basic principles apply. It is not the movements of the planets that cause the
events to occur but we believe that the events are timed to coincide to
significant astrological transits in such a way that the Astrology 'works'.
One's guides help to 'orchestrate' such events where appropriate.
We also note that this does not imply that all aspects of one's life are
controlled or predetermined.
Major lessons or experiences that the soul wishes to learn or go through are
planned in consultation with one's guides before coming into incarnation.
In most cases the guides are successful in influencing circumstances in order to
create these experiences, however nothing is fixed in stone. Plans can and do
change along the way as the events unfold and free will plays its part.
From the author's observation, not all transits produce significant events,
however if a significant event is planned it usually coincides with the
appropriate transits.
As many readers would be aware Hindu astrological charts differ from the Western chart by a rotation factor that changes slowly over time
due to the precession of the equinoxes. Currently the two charts differ by a rotation angle of about 24°.
The Hindu siderial system tries to maintain the relationship of the zodiac signs with the corresponding constellations by adding a correction factor to the starting point in order to take into account the procession of the equinoxes.
The consequence of this is that a person can for example be a Libra in the Western chart but a Virgo in the Hindu sidereal chart.
The question that naturally arises then is which chart is correct, and how can these be reconciled with the fact that from the accumulated experience of many
Astrologers both charts seem to work.
From the above explanation of how Astrology works we can see a way out of this dilemma.
The answer is that both charts work. They can both be correct precisely because it is not the planets themselves that determine a person's characteristics but rather the birth date and time are chosen by the soul so that the chart gives meaningful information to the person whose chart is being read.
So if it is determined prior to birth that an individual is likely to have a particular chart done, by virtue of being born in a particular country,
taking into account their probable life path, etc, then the birth date and time will be chosen in such a way as to make it meaningful for that type of chart.