We will re-examine here the case for the existence of an all pervading aether that
sustains, and is responsible for, all physical phenomena that we see around us.
Re-emergence of the Aether
The aether concept has been around for some time,the modern version of
itwas first put forward in the 18th century in order to
explain the wave nature of light.
This was later abandoned because certain experiments seemed to contradict this
idea. The chief of these being the ‘null’ result of the Michelson-Morley
To this day scientists unquestioningly accept the idea that light exists
independently of any medium.
The notion that one can have a wave without anything doing the ‘waving’ seems
to this author to be an absurdity, and is in itself a good reason to re-examine
the whole issue of the aether.
But in fact there a number of other advantages to the aether model, many of
which we will consider in these pages.
When one looks into the matter one discovers that there many problems with
Einstein's theory of relativity.
Milan Pavlovic has carefully examined Einstein's original special relativity
papers and found them to contain many inconsistencies and questionable
assumptions [1].
Further he looked at the experimental evidence used to justify the special
theory of relativity, such as the Michelson-Morley experiment, the Doppler
effect for light, Fizeau's light through water test, aberration of starlight.
He showed that most of these could be understood in non-relativistic terms or
with the assumption that the earth entrains the aether.
Also the unresolved contradictions relating to the twin paradox and time
dilation (see our Relativitypage for a
discussion of these) add further doubt as to the validity of the special theory
of relativity.
Note that we are not questioning the correctness of the relativistic formula,
just the special theory of relativity and its postulates. Lorentz derived the
relativistic formulaprior to Einstein based on the aether model and the
results of experiments in electrodynamics.
See also Burniston Brown's classic article
[2] that takes a critical look at the special and general theories of
relativity, as well as the Marcus Coleman article
[3] that catalogs objections by well known physicists and
mathematicians to Einstein's relativity theory.
Further experimental support for the existence of the aether is provided by
Webster Kehr [4].
Another important finding comes out of Harold Aspden's energy of rotation
experiment [5].
He spun a permanent-magnet rotor up to its rated speed. He found that if the
rotor is brought to rest and spun up again within a minute after stopping, it
required only 30 Joules to bring it to the same speed as compared to 300 Joules
for the first attempt!
The importance of this experiment is that it strongly points to a medium that
is affected by the first spin and which in turn affects the second spin.
The most plausible explanation lies with a medium like the aether in which one
can imagine the first spin creating something like an aether vortex (see
Inertia section) which persists for a time after the object stops
Standard theory is unable to explain such an effect -this includes the
zero point field theory.
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) has led to the concept of electromagnetic
fluctuations spontaneously arising out of the 'vacuum'
This represents a kind of medium that can interact with the charge components
inside matter.
Such interactions with matter have been proposed as an explanation for inertia,
among other things
This theory, while plausible in the case of inertia, would have a lot of
difficulty explaining the delayed effect of Harold Aspden's rotation
It seems now that even orthodox science is starting to re-think the possibility
of an aether like structure pervading space.
Recently an article was published in Scientific American by Theodore A.
Jacobson and Renaud Parentani that points out the similarity between the
behavior of sound waves in a fluid and light waves in curved spacetime, such as
around black holes [8].
The approach of assigning spacetime the qualities of a fluid solves some
fundamental flaws in the theory of photon radiation from blackholes as
developed by Stephen Hawking. This theory leads to difficulties such as
infinite redshiftsforthe virtual photons escaping a black hole,
with implied zero length wavelengths and infinite energies, etc.
Attributing granularity to spacetime, in the way that a fluid has granularity
at small sizes, provides a low wavelength cutoff that solves many of these
However, one of the consequences of their model is that light could have
different velocities depending on how the 'molecules' of spacetime move
relative to one another. This includes photon velocities greater than c under
certain conditions.
Clearly this contradicts relativity theory! We include here a quote from the
article that summarizes this dilemma:
"This fix to
Hawking's analysis has a price - relativity theory must be modified.
Contrary to
Einstein's assumptions, spacetime must act like a fluid consisting
of some
unknown kind of 'molecules'."
This is further suported by the work of T. Padmanabhan [20] who showed that Einstein's
field equations for general relativity have the same form as the Navier-Stokes equations
of hydrodynamics. The conclusion of his paper was that "gravity is hydrodynamics".
Furthermore Franck Delplace has shown that if a fluid like aether is assumed
fluid dynamic interpretations of general relativity and quantum mechanics shows
a consistent dynamic viscosity at all scales [21]. For example the shear
pressure due to the aether is the same for a neutron as it is for a netron star.
He also gives other fundamental arguments in support of a universal fluid like
aether as the substrate.
The Jacobson and Parentani article also has an interesting quote from a letter that Einstein sent
to his friend Michele Besso about a year before his death where he expresses
reservations about the very edifice he helped to create.
We include here the quote for our readers to ponder on:
"I consider it
quite possible that physics cannot be based on the field concept,
that is, on
continuous structures. Then nothing remains of my entire castle in
the air,
including the theory of gravitation, but also nothing of the rest of
The aether model allows us to describe the universe in a more intuitive
way that eliminates many of the paradoxes and contradictions of standard
For example, the particle/wave duality of light and matter, the origin of
inertia and gravity and the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass, the
conceptual contradictions with the collapse of the quantum wave function, the
conflict between quantum electrodynamics and general relativity, the twin
paradox of relativity, among others.
The Michelson-Morley Experiment
Before we can talk about the aether
model we have to address the apparent ‘null’ result of the Michelson-Morley
experiment (1880's).
The experiment was designed to detect the presence of the aether by
measuring the time of travel of light when the aether, or carrier of light, was
moving towards or away from the observer. The time should be different in the
two cases, in a similar way that waves on the surface of water would be
affected by the movement of water that carries the waves.
The outcome of this experiment was an apparent ‘null’ result. That is, the
times of travel were the same, suggesting there was no aether carrying the
light waves.
We say apparent because there were additional, more extensive and more
accurate, experiments done in the early 1900’s by Dayton Miller which produced
a definite difference. See James DeMeo’s article
[9] for an interesting account of those experiments.
In fact, even Michelson himself who repeated the experiment in 1928 found a
small positive effect.
But because the effects observed were much smaller than what one would expect
from the then assumption that the earth was travelling at a rapid rate through
a stationary aether background, the small effects were attributed to
experimental error.
Ever since the concept of the aether has been relegated to fantasy land by the
scientific community.
However we believe there is another, rather simple, explanation for this ‘null’
result which was put forward back in the 1800's and by Dayton Miller himself,
and others since.
That is, that the earth entrains the aether, causing it to rotate with the
earth. This would seem quite plausible on the assumption that the aether is of
a gaseous or liquid consistency, for if we spin an object in air or water the
air or water will soon begin to spin with it.
This implies that the aether would spin at the same rate as the earth on the
surface of the earth and at an increasingly lower speed as one moves away from
the earth.
Thus the model would explain why any experiments done on the surface of the
earth would produce a null, or very small, result for the speed of the aether
relative to the earth.
It is interesting to note that Dayton Miller who did most of his experiments on
top of Mt Wilson (1800m) observed a higher result on average than
Michelson-Morley who did their experiments in a basement close to sea level.
This would be consistent with the aether entrainment model which predicts that
as one moves further up from sea level there would be a greater relative
movement of the aether compared to the surface of the earth.
If this model is correct one would expect that if the Michelson-Morley
experiment was done in space it would produce a much greater effect, bearing in
mind that the sun will itself entrain the aether around it.
There is some support for this with the findings of Bryan Wallace [10] who in
1961 did radar distance measurements of the surface of Venus.
An analysis of the data did not confirm a constancy for the speed of light but
rather appeared to show a component that followed the classical c+v format.
Also interestingly the data contained diurnal, lunar and synodic variations.
The above model is also supported by experiments carried out by Yuri Galaev [11].
He did a variety of tests designed to detect the aether, using radio waves as
well as light.
His results were in general agreement with Dayton Miller's and interestingly
showed an increased effect with height from the surface of the earth,
consistent with the aether entrainment theory.
He has even had a go at measuring the viscosity of the aether.
Other Difficulties with the Aether Model
One of the other main objections
people have to the aether model relates to the transmission of transverse
waves, a characteristic of light vibration.
If the aether were to be a solid it has been estimated that it would need to
have the hardness of steel in order to support transverse waves at the speed of
On the other hand gases and liquids don’t normally support transverse waves.
However on closer examination we find that liquids can in fact carry transverse
There has been recent experimental evidence in support of this, where it was
found that supercooled helium, which becomes superfluid at very low
temperatures, transmits transverse sound waves [12].
Other difficulties, such as the photon or particle properties of light can also
be accounted for within an aether model (see our Light
For some other interesting ideas and perspectives on the aether concept
see the following references [13], [14], [15],
[16], [17] , [18] , [19].
Working Model of the Aether
As a starting point we will assume
the aether to be of a consistency close to a liquid, and occasionally solid
such as within nuclear particles.
It would have the ability to flow like a liquid and to carry longitudinal and
transverse vibrations.
The aether particles would be a lot smaller than subatomic particles, and
possibly consist of different types.
Also it will be assumed that the aether extends into the 4th
dimension. This is required in order to give a satisfactory explanation for
charge and matter formation.
It also allows one to naturally incorporate gravity and quantum mechanical
effects into the picture. See the other sections for details.
It is important to note that the aether is not to be considered as separate
from other matter but as the substrate within which all particles are formed
and through which physical forces are mediated.
[1] Milan R. Pavlovic, “Einstein's
Theory of Relativity - Scientific Theory or Illusion?", Milan Pavlovic
[2] G. Burniston Brown, “What is wrong with relativity?, Bulletin of The Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, pp. 71-77, March 1967
[3] Marcus Coleman, "The Trouble with Relativity",
[4] Webster Kehr, "The Detection of Ether",
[5] Harold Aspden, "Discovery of Virtual Inertia," New Energy News, vol 2, no 10, Feb 1995, pp 1-2. See also Hal Fox, "The Aspden " Effect, pp 2-3.
see www.scribd.com/doc/76567187/1995-Harold-Aspden-Discovery-of-Virtual-Inertia
[6] Thomas Valone, “Understanding Zero
Point Energy", users.erols.com/iri/ZPEpaper.html
[7] Haisch B., Rueda A., Puthoff H.E., “Physics of the zero-point field:
implications for inertia, gravitation and mass", Speculations in Science and Technology, 20, 99-114 (1997), copy available at
[8] Jacobson T. A. & Parentani R., "An Echo of Black
Holes", Scientific American, p48, Dec 2005
[9] James DeMeo, "Dayton Miller's Ether-Drift Experiments",
[10] Bryan G. Wallace, “Radar Testing of the Relative Velocity of Light in
Space”, Spectroscopic Letters 2:361 1969
[11] Yu. M. Galaev, “The Measuring of Ether-Drift Velocity and Kinematic Ether
Viscosity within Optical Wave Bands", Spacetime & Substance, Vol 3
(2002), No 5 (15), pp. 207-224 www.mountainman.com.au/aether_6.htm
[12] Lee Y, Haard TM, Halperin WP, Souls JA, “Discovery of the Acoustic
Faraday effect in Superfluid 3He-B”, Nature 400, 431-433 (July
[13] Robert Neil Boyd, "Physics"
[14] Paul A. LaViolette, "Subquantum Kinetics" www.etheric.com
[15] R.F. Norgan, "Aether Theory"
[16] Franck Delplace, “Open Door on 21st Century Physics", Book: ISBN 978-2-9535249-0-1 www.priceminister.com
[17] Steven Rado, “Aethro Kinematics”, Aethron Publishing Company, Los Angeles
1994, see also www.aethro-kinematics.com
[18] Caroline H.Thompson, "The Phi-Wave Aether: a Wave Theory of Everything",
[19] Gabriel LaFraniere, "Matter is Made of Waves"
[20] Padmanabhan T., "The Hydrodynamics of Atoms of Spacetime", International Journal of Modern Physics D, Vol. 20, No. 14 (2011) 2817–2822
[21] Franck Delplace, “Liquid Spacetime (Aether) Viscosity, a Way to Unify Physics",
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