2 - Matter

We explore here the formation of physical matter from the aetheric perspective.

The Electron

If we consider the behaviour of charged particles we can see from examining Maxwell’s equations that they behave a lot like sources and sinks of ‘something’.
That is, the equations for the force between charges has similarities to hydrodynamic equations for fluid flow where negative charge is similar to a sink and positive charge to a source of fluid material.

As such there have been a number of people that have proposed models based on the sink and source idea.
However most of these suffer serious difficulties because they are based on a 3D model. It is difficult to come up with a realistic scheme for the appearance and disappearance of material and at the same time maintain spherical symmetry.
There is really only one way to go if one is to have sinks and sources and be able to satisfy spherical symmetry, and that is the 4th dimension.

We will adopt here the model put forward by Maurice Cooke [1] where the aether flows in at the negative charge and out at the positive via the 4th dimension.
Furthermore the flow of the aether follows a vortex type motion at the sources and sinks, in a similar fashion to the vortex flow that one observes in a bathtub as the water flows out through the drain hole.
Fig 2.1 illustrates this idea for an electron proton pair.
The Atoms&QM section looks at an electron positron version of this.

     Fig 2.1  Aether vortex model of the electron.

The other important aspect of this model is that it considers the electron to be nothing more than the aether vortex itself.
The electron is not a ‘solid’ particle having a particular mass.
In this model the ‘mass’ and inertia attributed to an electron originate from the properties of a vortex which can behave as an independent entity carrying momentum and force.


Another great advantage of this model is that it naturally explains the equal and opposite charge of the electron and proton.

The vortex spins in a particular direction at the electron where it exits 3D space, and in the opposite direction at the proton where it re-enters 3D space, as can be seen from the geometry in Fig 2.1.

The whole picture is somewhat more complicated because of the nature of 4D space.
Fig 2.1 is really a simplification for clarity, where the vortex is projected on to a 2D plane on which it appears as a spiral. The correct projection would be from a 4D axis to 3D space.
However adding an extra dimension to the 2D vortex spiral would imply that the entry and exit points for the vortex would have spherical symmetry in 3D space.
In other words, spherically symmetric sources and sinks for the aether in 3D, which can be equated to the positive and negative charges.

As pointed out by Maurice Cooke, this explains the rather curious observation that the ‘masses’ of the electron and proton are orders of magnitude different yet the magnitudes of their charges are exactly the same.

This model also explains the neutron being a special case of the proton where the vortex link to the electron ceases to exist.
We know from nuclear physics experiments that if a neutron is ejected from the nucleus, after a certain period it naturally decays into a proton-electron pair.
In our model this would equate to a vortex spontaneously forming in the region surrounding the neutron and creating an aether flow to the neutron via 4D, turning it into a proton.
Somewhat like the way tornadoes form in turbulent air masses above the earth.

This also nicely accounts for charge conservation and the fact that the mass of the universe is found to be electrically neutral. Charge can only be created or destroyed in pairs.

The Proton and Matter Waves

Unlike the electron, the proton is assumed to be a particle or ‘drop’ of condensed aether.

To see how this might come about within the context of the present model, we draw again on the theory put forward by Maurice Cooke [1].
He puts forward the notion that throughout space there exist numerous oscillating ‘primary’ points that generate vibrations in the aether along the 4th dimensional axis. He in fact presents some evidence in support of this notion.

Because the oscillations are along the 4D axis, or perpendicular to 3D space, we are not directly aware of these vibrations as there is no component projected onto 3D space.
In the same way that a 2D being living in a flatland world would not be aware of small vibrations in the 3rd dimension.

Furthermore, the primary points are assumed to move about with a range of speeds from zero to perhaps close to the speed of light.
The oscillations of these primary points would combine and interfere with one another to form regions of high and low vibrations along the 4D axis, in a similar way that the waves on the surface of a pond combine to form regions of high and low amplitude, see Fig 2.2.

  Fig 2.2  Superposition of spherical waves from 3 sources.

Again the whole picture is a little more complicated because we are dealing with 4D space.
Normally on a pond the waves from a disturbance would move out ward in circular rings from the point of disturbance.
However if one were to translate from the 2D space of the pond surface to 3D space, the circular rings would become spheres as a result of adding an extra dimension.
We would therefore have in 3D space spherical disturbances moving out from the primary points, i.e. bubbles within bubbles.
Thus we would have throughout 3D space regions of high and low vibration amplitude. Amplitudes that represent the movement along the 4D axis and not vibrations in 3D.

The key proposal put forward by Maurice Cooke in this area is that the proton and other stable atomic particles are formed or condensed out of the aether at the points where the 4D waves superimpose in such a way as to create nodal points of low vibration.
Somewhat similar to the way water droplets condense out of water vapour in clouds.
The atoms, like the droplets, would require a certain amount of energy to be applied in order to ‘evaporate’ or re-expand back into the aether form.

One would also expect other more transient particles to be created and re-absorbed with the appearance and disappearance of these low vibration nodal points.
This is consistent with particle physics experiments which demonstrate particles appearing for short periods of time and then dissolving into other forms of energy, etc.

It is also consistent with the existence of ‘Zero Point Energy’ that is associated with a seething background of energy fluctuations [2]. These have been observed at very low temperatures where thermal vibrations are eliminated.
This fluctuating energy has also been likened to the ground state of the electromagnetic field as described by Quantum Electrodynamics. A field that on current theories would contain an enormous amount of energy.
The vibrational energy of the above mentioned 4D waves fits in nicely with this picture.
In fact the similarities go even further if one considers the 'quantum foam' picture proposed by Wheeler [3]. In this view particles are like bubbles or vortices arising out of the dynamics of the zero-point energy fluctuations.
He also describes the formation of hyperspace structures or 'wormholes' that channel energy into and out of 3D space. Very reminiscent of the electron vortices described above.

This model is also able to incorporate in a natural way the concepts of gravity and inertia as well as quantum mechanical effects. See our Gravity and Atoms&QM sections which discuss these effects.

The 4th Dimension

In order to get a better grasp of what a 4th dimension might be like we will consider the geometrical analogy of moving from 2 to 3 dimensions.
For 2D beings living in 'flatland' there would have to be some barrier preventing them from moving into the 3rd dimension. Otherwise they could become aware of the 3rd dimension as soon as they moved at right angles to the 2D plane.
Furthermore the barrier would have to touch every point on the plane, the beings sliding along it without realising it is there.
By a similar analogy there would have to be a barrier to us moving along the 4D axis otherwise we would become aware of the 4th dimension.

In the esoteric traditions we hear of the concept of a veil which separates the physical plane from the higher dimensions.
We imagine that this veil refers to some sort of thin (along 4D axis) membrane that allows the normal rarefied aether to flow through it but not the denser form that constitutes physical matter.
Note that the veil is thin along the 4D axis only. From a 3D perspective the veil would have to be touching every point in 3D space and might more appropriately be described as a fog.
It might also be the case that the 3D matter is somehow confined within the veil or membrane itself while the aether particles are able to flow through it.
The veil needs to allow the flow of aether in the 4th dimension as otherwise we could not have the electron vortex as described above.

The eastern mystical traditions talk about incarnation where the consciousness or soul 'attaches' part of itself to a physical body in order to experience life in a more limited form.
The part of consciousness that is identified with the body cannot be aware of the 4th dimension as it relies on sensory input from physical instruments, such as the eye. The veil prevents the dense physical matter to move into the 4th dimension and therefore the physical instruments cannot have a direct perception of it.
The only way for the incarnated consciousness to move into the 4th dimension is to detach itself from the physical body, such as occurs at death, or to partially detach as in out of body experiences, etc.
There is good evidence for the existence of higher dimensional realities. Some of the most convincing evidence comes from people who have had near death experiences (see our article on NDE's).

We also advance the proposition that it is this veil or membrane that creates the 4D waves by oscillating along the 4D axis.
We imagine that some form of intelligence has created the veil and infused it with the 'primary' points or 4D wave generators for the purpose of creating a 3D universe of dense matter in which a myriad of life forms can experience this particular form of existence.

We also suppose that this membrane wraps in on itself to form a 4D sphere such that if a 3D being were to move long enough in a 'straight' line he would eventually return to the starting point. However the radius of such a sphere would be so large that there was little chance of that happening any time soon.
Note that this would only be a sphere when viewed from 4D space, it would not be so from a 3D perspective. This is similar to the old analogy of a 2D plane or rubber sheet being wrapped around into a balloon.

It also follows from the above model that one could stack additional veils or membranes along the 4th dimensional axis. Somewhat like stacking pancakes on top of one another with the syrup representing the aether.
Each membrane would delineate a slice along the 4th dimensional axis that contains a full 3D universe.
We would then effectively have a model of parallel universes (the pancake model).

Teleportation as Interdimensional Travel

The 4th dimension can also be used to help explain some of the more unusual phenomena that have been reported - that of teleportation.
We have had reports of people and objects disappearing into thin air, such as with the Bermuda triangle.
One of the more extraordinary stories concerns the Philadelphia Experiment [4].
It is claimed that the military used Tesla type technologies to try and make a ship invisible to radar. But in the process they managed to make the ship disappear from it's position and re-appear some distance away.
This had some devastating effects on the people that were on board the ship at the time.
Many have reportedly died in the process, some were literally embedded in the structure of the ship as if two objects have been merged together.
It would be easy to dismiss such amazing claims were it not for the fact that some of the effects reported have been reproduced by modern day researchers.
One of the reported effects is invisibility which has been partially reproduced by scientists [5].
However the most notable work in this area has been that of John Hutchison [6].
He has used the Tesla technologies, involving high voltages and radio frequency beams, to create some very unusual phenomena, such as anti-gravity effects.
And in particular he has reproduced some of the reported effects of the Philadelphia Experiment.
There exists a number of the photographs that show pieces of wood and metal embedded in a larger slab of metal [6]. This was a result of using high voltage and radio frequency instruments - no heating being involved.
From the Philadelphia Experiment we have reports of people and objects being embedded in the steel structure of the ship. It is as if the included objects simply displaced the container material out of existence.
One way to explain these effects would be if the included object displaced the atoms of the container into the 4th dimension, making them disappear from view.
This can be illustrated more easily by resorting to the old 2D flatland analogy.
Let's consider 2D beings living on a 2D flat world, they would not be aware of the 3rd dimension. If a 2D object were lifted off the 2D plane into the 3rd dimension it would disappear from the view of the flatlanders. And it would magically reappear at the position where the object touched the 2D plane again.
Furthermore if there was an object already at the point where the reappearing object touched down on the 2D plane the two objects would merge into one another. The re-appearing object displacing the existing object's atoms into the 3rd dimension, or possibly even merging with the existing atoms if there was enough interatomic spacing, giving rise to the two objects being embedded on the 2D plane.
A similar argument could be applied to the 3D case where objects would disappear into the 4th dimension and reappear at a different point in 3D space.

A clue as to how this may be achieved is provided by the fact that high voltages are often involved in these experiments.
Given that in our model charge is considered to be an aether vortex into the 4th dimension a high voltage region is expected to create a macro scale vortex flow into the 4th dimension.
One can imagine that this would create a pressure on the veil or membrane that normally prevents the atoms from moving along the 4D axis.
Somehow the combination of this pressure and the radio frequency waves used in these experiments seems to create a hole or opening in this membrane allowing atoms to flow into the 4th dimension. It could just be that the strong aether flow into the 4th dimension creates a high enough pressure to tear a hole in the membrane.
Similar effects would be expected with strong rotating magnetic fields which would likely create a strong aether vortex into the 4th dimension.
In reports of people and planes disappearing from the Bermuda Triangle for example, there has been mention by the pilots of rotating compass needles before the planes disappeared. This suggests that the planes had entered a region of strong rotating magnetic fields.

In such situations one would expect that the atoms are carried along by the high aether current running through the vortex region causing a movement into the 4th dimension, reappearing back in 3D space some distance away, Fig 2.3a.

     Fig 2.3  Teleportation through the 4th dimension.

It would seem reasonable that the objects would remain relatively intact during this process because of the atomic forces that normally keep an object together.
However, this movement might alter the relative positions of separated objects involved in the transfer. This could lead to two objects landing in the same place in the 3rd dimension and could explain the reports of people embedded in the structure of the ship in the Philadelphia Experiment.

One might also speculate that the stronger the aether flow the further the objects would travel before reappearing back in the 3D plane, Fig 2.3b.
Therefore with strong aether currents the objects might disappear completely and reappear in some other part of the 3D universe.
One could even conceive that if there exist parallel universes that are not widely separated along the 4D axis, it might be possible to transport objects to another universe by this mechanism, Fig 2.3c.


[1] Maurice B. Cooke, “Einstein Doesn’t Work Here Anymore”, Marcus Books, PO Box 327, Queensville, Ontario, Canada L0G 1R0, 1983
[2] Thomas Valone, “Understanding Zero Point Energy", users.erols.com/iri/ZPEpaper.html
[3] J.A. Wheeler, "Geometrodynamics", Academic Press, NY, 1962
[4] Al Bielek, "The Philadelphia Experiment", http://www.bielek.com
[5] KL Corum, JF Corum & JFX Daum, "Radar Backscatter Absorption Experiment", www.ussdiscovery.com/philadelphia_experiment.htm
[6] John Hutchison, "Cold Melting of Metals" www.rexresearch.com/hutchisn/hutchisn.htm

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