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We include here channelings which are inspirational and uplifting to the spirit.
The origin of happiness
Plant all that you do with love, cherish each moment with
love, extend your heart to all with love, and pray for
that which you need with love.
Also remember you are part of the one, and therefore if you
are part of the one what is there to not be. You cannot
be something you are not, therefore you are already that
which you think you are and more. Manifesting what we wantWe feel that there is much concern at the present time in your lives for financial gain and for survival needs. We would like to reassure you that God is ever present in your lives and that trust and faith will see you through. There is great abundance about you within you and it is always there but for the asking. Do we not tell you frequently that you must pray and ask, and you shall receive? But often you see this as just a token, but it is not dear ones, it is the truth. You ask, can we have more than we want and the answer is always yes. There are no limits upon what you ask, there are only limits upon your mind and heart.
If you
could see the bounty you live in, if you could see the
richness within you, then you would have no more doubts
and you would have all the answers you needed. It is
true, and verily so, that what you ask for shall be
granted. Be bold in your inquiring and in your quests
for it is not a sin, it is not out of gratitude that
these things are given to you, but rather as a gift and
a pleasure to be able to give it to you. There is no limitation on what you desire either. Remember desire is not such a bad thing if it is done from the heart and from the passion of your soul. Your soul is the seed, remember? Your soul encompasses all and therefore your soul has every answer you require. It is within your soul that you will find your answers. We do wish to help you and we ask you to help yourselves. We can do the work on our level but you must bring it in on your level.
The butter is churned from milk, likewise your thoughts churn into
form, is that not so? Is it not so that what you think
you also reap? Be careful then how you think for that
you shall manifest. Bring into life that which you
really want. Be imaginative and creative in your
thought. Bring it about with love, nurturance and
guidance. Do not think yourself defeated because no it
has not happened, but instead revise, review and cut
away those things that do not belong in that thought.
Fear not for your welfare. Your welfare is in good hands.
Increase your energy levels by keeping thoughts on
things of a higher nature such as: beauty, joy,
infinity, love, immensity, creativity, imagination.
Because to imagine is to bring the image into action.
Does that resound with you? Imagination is the most
wonderful ability. It can transform your lives. Do you have any questions? Q: We seem to be missing something in terms of being able to manifest what we want. I know that positive attitude is one part but what are we doing wrong? You are doing nothing wrong. For there is nothing that you can do but be, and what you are is who you are and there is nothing wrong with that. Manifestation comes from the belief that, that which you want is already yours. So the seed must be planted in order to grow. Correct? A: Yes. Therefore, if the seed contains all then why will it not grow? Q: What is the seed?
he thought.
Manifesting does not just come from
saying "I want this". But it does come from continually
acknowledging its presence whether it be or not be yet.
Acting as if that which you want has already come to
pass. Therefore be careful how you pronounce words and
how you pronounce your state of being for that is what
you are pronouncing to be in the present moment, for
that is who and what you are. Therefore if manifesting
is in the present moment what is it you are
manifesting? Does this make sense? A: I have to think about it more. Think less, act more, think not with your head but with your heart, ask within. That is your manifesting process. Adjust yourself to your heart not your head, for your heart is the antenna. Your heart is that which reaches out and touches. Your heart is that which is in tune not your head. Communicating with the self
Seek to be always in constant alignment with yourselves. This is
the most important of your journeys. The alignment of
self with self is very important to the outcome of the
spiritual path.
Be hospitable with yourself, this is the most
underestimated act that each of you forgets. You are
hospitable with others but not with the self.
Choose wisely the words that you speak for these things are
very much a part of the imprint of your coming to learn
more about self.
It is a rather beautiful thing to
do to engage in silent conversation with yourself. When
one does this we ask that you meditate for this brings
great solace and understanding of the current situation
one finds oneself in.
There are many wisdoms that have
yet to be uncovered. To this day there are many of you
searching for answers that have been long forgotten.
Sitting in conversation with self, takes practice, determination
and focus. It does not happen in one sitting.
While exploring with oneself one can go to many different
places and understand and see the truth that lies there.
For that truth is the only truth that should be
respected and held up for it is the truth of your own
soul. Q: In what ways can we communicate with the soul? Sometimes it is difficult to pick up the language, and is there a difference between the soul and what we call the higher self?
The best way to communicate with
the soul is through meditation. For the soul is deep
within oneself and all around. One method we would recommend is that you write the words that come from being silent. For when you commence to write that which you have already experienced in silent communication, your understanding of the soul and the communication thus will begin, because you have integrated that which you already know into paper onto form into earth. It is up to you at which time of the day you prefer to do this. And definately your own plan. You will see that words will come to you when you ask questions. By not fighting so much with receiving an answer, but being open to whatever comes in form to you.
Do not give up quickly, persist if you can. For it will benefit
you greatly in the larger aspect of your journey. On love, and doing the work we love
The energy of love is the highest energy upon all galaxies, all dimensions.
This can be applied to your work situations also.